Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Overnight Oats with Chia Seeds
It’s September! Time to hit the reset button. Am I right?
After a summer of lazy routines, indulgent eating and sporadic exercise, guilt creeps in during the month of September. It’s a signal to right the ship, reboot those healthy habits and get back on course to a lifestyle conducive to longevity.
I know it’s a drag, and I wish it was as easy as snapping one’s fingers. But, we’ve got to begin sometime, so why not start now – with the change in seasons?
I suggest starting small. Start by listing a few – not too many — goals you would like to accomplish starting in September and then plan how you’ll accomplish them.
Here are some ideas to get you thinking: Maybe you would like to eat healthier and do it by cooking more meals at home. A good place to start is to meal plan.
Maybe your goal is to exercise and get into shape. Will you sign up for a class, go to the gym, or find an exercise buddy to run or bike with?
Perhaps your mental health needs a tune up. Will you try meditating, journaling or reconnecting with friends you’ve missed during the pandemic.
Whatever you choose, set yourself up for success by starting small so you can accomplish a few goals over time.
I like to add my goals into my weekly planner. That way, I’m constantly reminded of them.
I have two goals I’m working on right now. My first is to ramp up my exercise routine. It sadly disappeared like the sinking of the titanic late last year. So, I’ve signed up for an in-person exercise class this fall.
Chia Seeds
My second goal is to try new foods that will provide health benefits. I’ve picked chia seeds to start with. It’s a food I’ve never purchased before or eaten.

While researching chia seeds, I learned they are a staple in Latin America. This seed is from a flowering plant in the mint family and are either white or black.
Chia seeds have a lot of health benefits. They are full of fibre, which keeps our bodies regular. They also have omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are good for our hearts. Not only that, they are high in antioxidants and stop free radicals from damaging our cells, and also have some protein.
One cool thing I found out is that chia seeds do not need to be refrigerated and can last up to four years in your pantry, when if stored in a sealed container.
Chia seeds are a versatile food with no distinct flavour, so they won’t outshine other ingredients. The seeds should be added to water before eating and will become gelatinous. It’s not wise to eat them straight from the bag because that could cause tummy upsets.
So, throw them into your soups, stews, and your morning porridge. They

are also perfect in puddings and smoothies. Another suggestion is to use them in Overnight oats, chia seed blueberry muffins and chia seed, oatmeal, coconut chocolate chip cookies.
What will your goals look like this September? Once you’ve decided, I suggest you write them onto your to-do list and just begin.