Comfort Food Ideas for Winter

How do you survive the “blah” months of winter?
Especially if you live in this upper chilly half of North America. Where winter settles in, and we live under our comfy blankets and wait for the dreary weather to disappear and warmer weather to come?
My suggestion is to cook comfort foods. One must never underestimate how much food can cheer us up in the winter months. It soothes us, gives us solace and creates a secure, solid sense of well-being.
So here are six ways to find comfort in food:
1. Make soup
It’s always satisfying to cuddle up with a big bowl of hot soup; nothing warms the soul more. The doldrums of winter slide away with each gulp of warm broth.
Whether it’s a homemade tomato soup or a thick chowder filled with fresh veggies, protein and legumes. Soup will always get you through the blue funk of Winter.
2. Cook like mom
That’s right, everyone love’s mom’s home cooking.
So find one of those oldies-but-goodies, such as a tuna casserole, and delight your family with a little nostalgia from your childhood. They may not feel emotionally attached to the dish like you do, but I’m sure they’ll have the same cozy, caring feeling you had as a child.
3. Create a comforting experience
Create a warm feeling of happiness in your home by generating an inviting and special atmosphere at mealtime.
Set the table with colourful place mats and table napkins. Perhaps add some pretty flowers. Turn down any bright lamps and light some candles.
These small details will snuff out any winter blues.
4. Cook for aroma
When you walk into a home with the comforting smells of a home-cooked meal, you’ll forget about the snowbanks and frozen ponds.
Instead, you’ll feel like a happy, hungry bear waking up from hibernation in their cozy cave.
Some foods that create satisfying aromas include stews, casseroles, meatloaf and potpies. I’ve included a couple of recipes in this newsletter that are guaranteed to raise the aroma meter.
5. Indulge yourself with sweet or savoury baking
When I’m feeling the gloominess of winter, a gooey slice of fresh cheddar jalapeño bread always perks me up.
Other baking ideas are a sumptuous piece of chocolate brownie or maybe yummy banana muffin. Whatever screams comfort for you, don’t be afraid to treat yourself once in a while.
6. Share meals with friends
Invite friends or family over for a good old-fashioned Sunday night dinner.
It certainly doesn’t have to be fancy, perhaps it’s spaghetti and meatballs. Sharing this simple meal with a loaf of fresh bread and a green salad is the perfect antidote for getting through the lethargic months of winter.