Learn How to Cook For a Healthy Family, Meal Plan with Healthy Foods, and Gain Confidence to Cook at Home

Learn How to Cook For a Healthy Family, Meal Plan with Healthy Foods, and Gain Confidence to Cook at Home

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This course is for the home cook who wants to cook more at home with healthy foods for the health of their family. 

Learn how easy it is to meal plan and meal prep meals at home with fresh whole foods.

Feel good about preparing nourishing, simple, tasty meals with fresh ingredients for your family and gain confidence in your daily cooking routine.

Here’s exactly what you’ll get:

  • 30 videos where you’ll learn food information, meal planning, cooking skills, how to read food labels and meal prep ideas

  • Four PDF’s packed full of info and delicious, easy recipes you’ll make over and over again like: tomato meat sauce, quick and easy hummus and Mediterranean Greek salad.

  • Five and seven day meal planning templates complete with a shopping list to minimize decision making. This strategy saves you money by keeping your focus on whole foods, which are less expensive than processed or already prepared.

Course Overview:

The course is divided into four sessions. Each one comprises a balance of lecture, practical skills, demos and challenges to solidify learning and keep you motivated.

It's expected that you complete on session per week for the next four weeks. We will send you weekly emails to encourage you along.

 However, if this isn’t possible, you're free to go at your own pace.

Session One:

Our healthy eating and cooking journey begins! In this session you will come away convinced that food matters and become inspired to cook more at home. We'll show you how to chop onions, and garlic and show you how to make simple recipes. We have 8 videos in this session as well as a workbook and a meal planner template.

Session Two:

In this session we'll explore food. You'll understand the importance of eating real food, and discover ways to include more fruits and veggies in you diet. By the end of the week you will be whipping up delicious salads and whizzing up tasty smoothies. You will find 6 videos in this session as well as your workbook.

Session Three:

In this session we'll ask the question, "do you know what's in your food?" You'll learn how to read and understand food labels so they aren't so confusing (and misleading!) at the grocery store.

As well, you'll learn some different ways to save money at the grocery store (who doesn't like saving money?). We dive into talking about grains and fibre, especially the importance of fibre, and how to increase your intake so you can feel healthier.

By the end of the week you will be preparing soups, wraps, pasta which will all help increase your daily fibre. We have 8 videos for you and a workbook.

Session Four:

In this session you'll learn how to plan your weekly meals so you can save money, save time, eat better and eat less take-out.

The cooking and skills component in this session focuses on dairy, meat, eggs and the world of herbs and spices.

By the end of this session you will be enjoying yourself in the kitchen cooking up chicken curries, vegetarian chilis and cheesy fish dishes. You will find 5 videos for this session, and your workbook.

Who's it for:

The course is for the beginner home cooks who wants to eat healthier foods & gain confidence with meal prep. It's also for the intermediate cook who needs a boost of inspiration to cook more at home.

This course is not for those on specialized diets. The information in this course should not be substituted for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Please seek the advice of your medical physician or other qualified healthy provider with questions you may have about a medical condition.

At The End Of the Course:

  • You and your family will be devouring the simple, tasty, nourishing meals that you prepare with pride.
  • Home cooking won’t be that dreaded chore anymore. Instead, it will be a healthy habit that you’ll embrace and will become your new norm.
  • You’ll have the confidence to choose the best real foods at the store, and to walk away from the processed and pre-made foods that are typically filled with fat, sugar and salt.
  • You’ll relax about the whole meal planning process and have a sense of calm while preparing a meal at the end of a busy work day.
  • You’ll be happy knowing you’ve worked hard in the kitchen to do your very best at feeding your family the fresh, whole foods that will help them thrive.

How It Works:

This is a digital online course that's hosted on the Recipes to The Rescue Online School website.

  • Sign up.
  • Upon sign up you'll receive an email requesting you to create a password.
  • Once a password is created you will login to the Recipes To The Rescue Online school using both your email and your new password and start the course.

If you have any questions please contact us here